Nominate Someone as an Outstanding Woman of Pelham

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Is there someone in the League who has made a difference in the lives of others? Is she a leader, an innovater, or an active member of our community? Does she put her ideas into action, stand up for those who are less powerful, or pitch in passionately in support of a project or cause?

The Outstanding Women of Pelham Project seeks to recognize those women in the League who are outstanding members of our community. Each day during March (Women’s History Month) we will publish a short paragraph honoring a different woman of distinction. This honor is open to every member of the League, past and present, Sustainer, Active, Active-Transitional and Provisional, former Presidents, first-time committee members and everyone in between.

But first, we need your help! We are collecting nominations through this form:, and are asking every member of the League to nominate at least one outstanding woman for this honor. Think carefully about someone you admire in the League and tell us about them by Wednesday, February 28th. Then, stay tuned beginning March 1, and join us in celebrating the Outstanding Women of Pelham!

Please help us select our honorees for the first ever Outstanding Woman of Pelham Project!