Start Planning for Pie Baking

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16 October 2014

Want to make a pie and meet a new friend? Here’s your chance to participate in one of our crowd favorites GMMs – pie baking time for Community Service Associates in Mount Vernon!! Four generous JLP members, Tyson Newton, Carol Fleming, Suzanne Dudek, and Betsy Brady have graciously agreed to open up their homes and kitchens on November 18th to host this fun event. There will be a limit of 10-12 people at each house, so sign up soon using Volunteer Matters at When you sign up, please note which of the following you will be bringing: red wine (2 members), white wine (2), appetizer (2), desserts (2), cups/ forks/ small plates (1), diet soda/ water (1).
Each member should bring her own peeler and pairing knife and at least one attendee should be in charge of taking pictures. Happy pie baking!!