November GMM: Pie Baking for Community Service Associates

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6 October 2013
November GMM: Pie Baking for Community Service Associates Date: Tues. November 12 Time: 7:30pm One of our favorite GMMs is approaching! Yes, it’s pie baking time for Community Service Associates in Mount Vernon!! Four generous JLP members, Sandy Iyer-Horan, Kristin Austin, Mary Hefner and Suzanne Dudek, have graciously agreed to open up their homes to host this event. There will be a limit of 10 people at each house, so sign up soon using Volunteer Matters at When you sign up, please note which of the following you will be bringing: red wine (2 members), white wine (2), appetizer (2), desserts (2), cups/ forks/ small plates (1), diet soda/ water (1). Each member should bring her own peeler and pairing knife and at least one attendee should be in charge of taking pictures. Happy pie baking!!